Race start

29 May 2024

For safety reasons, the start of the race was given off the American coast. The IMOCA Open 60s set off towards Vendée at 2pm local time (8pm GMT).

Carte d"part
Ligne de départ de la New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne

Re(live) the big start

Vendée Liberty

24 May 2024 

At 11am, the starting line for the speed runs opened and the first group set off on the one nautical mile course in Manhattan Bay. Four pools followed each other until 3.30pm, when the line closed. 
The aim was to put on a show, send the counters into a frenzy and thrill the guests on board and the spectators! This breathtaking exhibition race was visible from Governors Island to the general public.

Carte des runs Liberty race

Runs results

Poule A : Romain Attanasio Fortinet - Best Western 5min 55s
Poule B : Jérémie Beyou - Charal 6min 56s
Poule C : Manuel Cousin - Coup de Pouce 6min 7s
Poule D : Szabolcs Weöres - New Europe 12min 34s

Vainqueur classement général : Romain Attanasio Fortinet - Best Western 5min 55s

Re(live) the Vendée liberty !