The final confrontation before the Vendée Globe

With just a few months to go before the Vendée Globe, 29 round-the-world contenders will be competing against each other for the very last time, in a single-handed transatlantic race, without assistance non-stop transatlantic race. After an exhibition race at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, the «Vendée Liberty Show», which promises breathtaking images, the sailors involved will leave New York on 29 May to head for Les Sables d’Olonne d’Olonne, in the Vendée. 
The first New York Vendée raced in 2016 was won by Jérémie Beyou. This 2nd edition, the first organised by the Vendée Globe teams, is shaping up is shaping up to be a major event, attracting a huge sporting enthusiasm. As well as being the last qualifying race for the Vendée Globe, it is also the last race in which the skippers log miles. And this one counts more than all the others: for every mile sailed, the sailors clock up 1.5! At the end of this race, the line-up for the Vendée Globe 2024 will be known.

The course
The course
© The course

28 skippers are taking part in this final rehearsal for the Vendée Globe. 
"We are very proud to present this non-stop, non-assisted, single-handed transatlantic race: the New York Vendée - Les Sables d’Olonne, now organised by the Vendée Globe teams. The first edition took place in 2016. In 2020, due to the pandemic, its second edition, then organised by the IMOCA Class, was transformed into a race to the Arctic Circle, the Vendée Arctique - Les Sables d’Olonne. Today, we are organising these two events, which are perfectly complementary to the most demanding race of all: the Vendée Globe. This transatlantic race from New York allows us to strengthen the international aspect of our events. It also represents an opportunity for the Vendée region to raise its international profile by enabling our businesses to forge links with the New York economic fabric." Alain Leboeuf, President of the Vendée Globe, the New York Vendée - Les Sables d’Olonne and the Vendée Department.